Maria Vélez

Software engineer

My Tools

Experience building large scale customer-facing products with these languages, libraries, frameworks, and tools.


Because my JS fundamentals are strong, I can get up to speed in Typescript and Node.js fairly quickly


Floats, Flexbox, Grid, responsive design, and media queries. Knowledge of UI/UX design principles


Familiar with semantic elements, accessiblity best practices, WCAG 2.1 and Section 508


React 18, React Native and React paired with Redux


My first programming language, paired with Rails


PostgreSQL, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, AWS S3

Industry Tools & Misc

Git, Jira, Confluence, Agile, Jest, Jenkins, Docker, Postman, Webpack, Babel, npm, Test-Driven Development, Fetch API, jQuery, AJAX

Soft Skills

Clear and direct communicator, "glue work" in teams, accountable, empathetic, perceptive. Many more real skills.

About me

The author's profile photo of their face including their shoulders. They 
					have short hair and glasses. Their head has a slight tilt to the right and they 
					are smiling. The color of the photo is a washed green monochrome.

In the first phase of my working life, I was a direct-service social worker that focused on helping marginalized folx address their mental and physical health, personal safety, housing, immigration status, and food insecurity needs. I also worked as a medical interpreter, HIV/AIDS care advocate, financial counselor, and case manager for children and families in crisis. After several years working on the local level on two coasts, I realized the limit to my reach. I felt exhausted and undervalued because both my impact and pay were not where I expected them to be. A chance encounter with a soon-to-be mentor led me to apply to Ada Developer's Academy's highly selective year-long program in 2018. I was lucky to score an internship at a mature startup with brilliant and supportive colleagues; they modeled the day-to-day balance of business needs with a desire to ship code that centered our users. I scored my first role with the same team, focusing on the frontend of a web-based crowd-sourced annotation platform and 2D/3D tooling interface. This platform aided machine-learning models in computer vision used to improve the efficacy and safety of autonomous vehicles. I subsequently survived an acquisition and flourished at a tech megacorp where I was busy integrating the small codebase I knew into a much larger ecosystem and all it demanded.

In 2020 I took a break to prioritize my family's health and well-being. Since then I've had the privilege to reflect on my personal and professional values. I'd love to return to my roots and focus on using my nonprofit domain expertise and technical skills to make a positive impact. I'm motivated to join a people-first company with kind, curious, and diverse colleagues who love what they do and actively help each other grow.

My peers have described me as eager, resourceful, humble, collaborative, and dependable. I strive to be a clear communicator and will readily contribute to your organization's documentation. I am able to work asynchronously, document my ideas, questions and solutions, and self-manage planning of my hours. You can count on me to take ownership of my tasks and deliver them on time. I can reliably communicate when things go wrong and make sure everyone is on the same page when plans change. I will not hesitate to ask for help or come up with ideas to improve the development process.

Though I trained as a fullstack developer, I am happiest in the frontend because its complexity has increased over the years and I know enough to not spread myself too thin. I most comfortable with Javascript, HMTL, CSS, React, Ruby, and Rails. My desire to stay current with the best tools for the job will easily sway me to experiment with new means of tackling a technical challenge. I want to weigh in on tech debt, linters, style guides, pain points, or why we should adopt a new library or framework. I long to create user interfaces that are first and foremost accessible, easy to use, and visually appealing. If the code I wrote is readable, scalable, performant, and a delight to modify, then I feel a deep sense of satisfaction at the end of my work day.

Contact Me

I am currently accepting new freelance clients and job opportunities that align with my job search. Drop me a line here or connect via socials below.